Terms of use
Carefully read the following:

By using this website (the “Website”) exclusively owned by Bleublancrouge (“BBR”), you expressly acknowledge having read and agreed to the following terms and conditions (the “Terms of Use”) that govern your use of the Website. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, please leave the Website and disregard the information contained therein. BBR reserves the right to modify the Terms of Use at any time. Any such modifications are effective immediately and incorporated into the Terms of Use.

Use restrictions and jurisdiction

The information and images contained on this Website are not for use by any person within any country or jurisdiction where such use would constitute a violation of national law. In any such case, you are forbidden to access or use any of the information or images on this Website. This Website has been developed for users accessing it from Canada. Moreover, these Terms of Use are governed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Quebec and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein, without regard to any principles of conflicts of law. Any legal issue, recourse or claim arising from or in relation to these Terms of Use shall be submitted to a court of competent jurisdiction in the judicial district of Montreal, Province of Quebec, Canada.

General disclaimer

This Website is provided “as is” and “as available” without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied. All warranties, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and suitability for a particular purpose, are disclaimed. No warranty is made regarding content, functionality, third-party links or other communications, including no warranty in case of defects, errors or corrections, communication interruptions or interceptions, loss of data, viruses, or any other potentially harmful components.


Under no circumstances shall BBR or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates be held liable to any party for any cost or damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, arising out of or in connection with access to or use of this Website. This also applies to any inability to access the Website or use any of its functions or features, including browsing or downloading any information, data, text, images, or other material available on this Website or any website linked to by this Website or linking to this Website.


It is the responsibility of users of this Website, with no liability assumed by BBR, to evaluate the accuracy, completeness, reliability, and relevance of any opinions given, services offered, or any other information provided. Under no circumstances should any information presented on this Website be interpreted or relied upon as professional advice or advice on a specific matter.

Intellectual property

Unless otherwise expressly stated, any registered or unregistered trademark or logo displayed on the Website, any information, any graphic image, any feature or service, any layout (including the “look and feel”) and any text on this Website is the exclusive property of BBR and is duly used under license by BBR and protected by the applicable intellectual property laws or under the provisions proscribed by any other law, in Canada and abroad. No element can be copied or distributed, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of BBR.


Moreover, you acknowledge that you are not permitted to (i) create derivative work based on this Website or any material and/or content contained herein; (ii) use this Website or any material and/or content contained herein for commercial purposes; (iii) delete any notice regarding copyright ownership or any other proprietary notices on this Website; (iv) circumvent any encryption or other security tools used anywhere on this Website; (V) use any data mining tool, robot or similar tool to collect and extract data from this Website; (vi) decompile, reverse engineer, modify, or disassemble any aspect of this Website.


However, you may download or print any page on this Website for personal and non-commercial use only, provided that you mention that it is the intellectual property of BBR or of the rights holder in question.


This Website may contain hyperlinks that will direct you to other websites. These links are provided for information purposes only and as a service. Accordingly, BBR disclaims any liability or obligation of any nature whatsoever regarding the websites linked to from this Website (or the websites linking to this Website), including in relation to the content and operation of these websites. BBR does not review or control these links. Some websites may be hosted outside your country and therefore be subject to different laws and regulations.


A link from this Website to another website (or from another website to this Website) in no way constitutes a recommendation, endorsement, advertisement or offer, or any form of solicitation or approval, with respect to the other website, its contents, or the products and services advertised on or provided via the said other website. BBR assumes and believes that the links provided to other websites accessible to the general public, as well as to web pages, discussion forums, or any other source, are legally permissible and entirely consistent with the normal and usual expectations of Internet users.

User conduct

• Display or transmit any information that is in any way unlawful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, blasphemous, or reprehensible, including but not limited to messages showing or encouraging behaviour that could constitute a breach of law or violate a national or international law;


• Display or transmit data or software containing a virus (worm or Trojan horse) or any other harmful element;


• Interfere with the operation of this Website or restrict or inhibit any other user from using it;


• Display, post, transmit, reproduce, distribute or exploit information, software, or any other material obtained through this Website for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of BBR.


In the event that these Terms of Use are violated, BBR reserves the right to take legal action and claim damages from any such person, to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Breach and indemnity

Without derogation to any applicable law, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless BBR and its employees, directors, administrators, and agents, in the event you have violated these Terms of Use. Such indemnity shall cover all expenses, payments, losses, losses of profit, or any other damage, direct or indirect, monetary or non-monetary, incurred by BBR, its employees, directors, administrators, and agents.

Privacy policy

The objective of this Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) is to inform you of our privacy practices. We wish to provide you with information about why and how we collect your personal information and about how it is kept and used.BBR takes every reasonable measure to ensure the integrity and security of information obtained from users via the Website and to prevent any unauthorized access and use of this information. To this end, BBR regularly reviews its security measures.


BBR cannot, under any circumstances, be obliged to monitor the data provided through this Website or conveyed by its intermediary, as is the case for all other websites linked to or from this Website. Under no circumstances shall BBR have any obligation, of any nature whatsoever, resulting from such data or transmission, which in no way constitutes a commitment or confidentiality agreement, express or implied, between a user and BBR.

Data collected by automatic means

Several tools can be used on this Website to make it more efficient and user friendly, as well as for marketing and statistical purposes. These tools may include an automatic data collection by BBR or by third parties on BBR’s behalf. In general, this data does not contain personal details about the user. These tools include, without limitation, cookies, web beacons, tracking URLs or similar tools, and web analytics.The collected data may include, without limitation:The visitor’s IP addressThe date and time of the visitThe referral URL (the website from which the visitor came)The pages visited on this WebsiteInformation on the browser used (type and browser version, operating system, etc.)The cookies that BBR commonly uses are session cookies, which are automatically deleted when you close your browser. You can manage your browser preferences directly in your web browser at any time. By default, browsers allow the use of cookies but this feature can be disabled. It is also possible to manually delete cookies after use, using your web browser.Web beacons, tracking URLs or similar tools, and cookies are primarily used for statistical analysis. These tools can also be used to monitor traffic patterns on websites, or to find out if an email has been received and opened, and if a reply was sent.


Web analytics is a method of collecting data and evaluating the behaviour of visitors to websites or mobile applications. It includes the analysis of traffic patterns to determine, for example, how often certain parts of a website or (mobile) application are visited, or to find out which information and services most interest visitors. This Website mostly uses clickstream data and other techniques described above. The web analytics used on this Website and BBR’s mobile applications are managed by Google Analytics or other service providers.This means that when you visit this Website, a Google Analytics cookie is stored on your computer or mobile device, except if the settings of your browser do not allow such cookies, as mentioned above. Furthermore, when you visit this Website, the web analytics described above—including clickstream data, data provided by web beacons and tracking URLs, and the information stored in Google Analytics cookies—will be sent to Google Analytics to be analyzed for BBR.Google Analytics acts as BBR’s agent, which means that BBR determines only the purposes for which the data is used, and that Google Analytics cannot disclose this information to third parties (except in cases where the law or a court order forces such disclosure). With regards to privacy, this means that BBR is the “guarantor” and Google Analytics is the “data processor”.


If you do not want such information about your visits to this Website to be collected and analyzed by Google Analytics, you can opt out. This means that Google Analytics will make anonymous the information it collects (but will continue to collect it), or will stop collecting information about your visit, depending on the type of opt-out you have chosen. To opt out, you have to accept that a cookie be stored on your computer by Google Analytics.
You can request to opt out by clicking on the link provided for this purpose in the part of this Website that contains the Google Analytics privacy policy (https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout).


For more information on Google Analytics and its privacy policy, please visit https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/

Data use and storage

The data collected on this Website and any other information otherwise submitted to BBR can be used to improve the content of this Website, for the purposes of marketing research and statistics, or to improve our services or provide you with information that may be of interest.


We use this data solely for the purposes for which it was collected. Your consent is required to use your personal information for marketing purposes other than those stated above. You can refuse the use of any of your data, or ask for it to be deleted or modified.


BBR stores the data for a reasonable amount of time, either to achieve set objectives or be in accordance with the law, after which time the data is destroyed or made anonymous.

Contact us

For questions regarding this policy or for any inquiry about how your data is used, send us a message. We will make every effort to respond to your request quickly.

Last update: October 10, 2019

Contact us

96 Spadina Avenue,
Suite 801

Toronto, ON
M5V 2J6

1 416 912 2278


780 Brewster Avenue,
4th Floor

Montreal, QC
H4C 2K1

1 514 875 7007

Privacy Policy© 2024 BleuBlancRouge - All rights reserved